Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Building Trust

Well it has been another amazing two days!
The Summer Leadership Institute process, which we will parallel in the project "From the Field to the Table", is a life altering experience. Over the past two days we have talked about, and worked through, the very difficult subject of undoing racism. Participants have exposed vulnerabilities and been witness to incredible personal testimony. We have addressed how continued stress on folks who are being oppressed can manifest in the body and impact more than just the individual. We are in the process of healing by realizing that if one of us in the group is hurting we are all hurting. Like the Cypress groves here in New Orleans, that are a rhizome, we are all inter-connected and dependent on one another. Tomorrow we re-convene at our site, the Tekrema Center for the Arts, and begin making our site specific work, and we are doing so from an enlivened place. My fellow participants and I have built deep trust and are now ready to get to work making a performance! As Jawole Willa Jo Zollar keeps reminding us "You have to go slow to go fast."

Another Urban Bush Women Core Value: Build Trust Through Process

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