Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back in Berkeley

What an amazing 10 days of work with the Urban Bush Women Summer Leadership Institute in New Orleans! We made 3 distinct and moving performances in 3 different community spaces: Trinity Community Church, the Ashe Center, and the Tekrema Center for the Arts. Through the most amazing process that honored the value in each participant, that acknowledged and challenged the role of race and privilege in our art making practices, and that allowed the process to be as important as the end goal, we made performances that were rich, full, and surprising. I cannot say how much the Summer Leadership Institute has changed me in unexpected ways. Amara and I are back in Berkeley and gearing up for "From the Field to the Table." We can't wait to share the UBW Leadership Institute process with you. Check out how to sign up for the project here in Berkeley! Signing off, Lisa


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